Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Heuchera 'Caramel'

Today I only took five photos, I hadn't planned on taking any though so I guess I'm ahead of the game.

Walking up my driveway, I noticed how beautiful Heuchera 'Caramel' still looked. Well, maybe it's not as beautiful as it looks in May but remember, it's mid November!

I have 'Caramel' in several locations, this particular plant was the first one I had purchased and it's been in the garden for two full seasons. Hands down it's my favorite Heuchera so far.

Those of you who have been regular readers here or have visited my garden know how much I love this plant. Here's a photo taken back on May 24th. As you can see, it was pretty stunning back then too.

Just to the left of 'Caramel' is the hardy Geranium 'Katherine Adele'. Scroll back up and you'll see that the foliage is still beautiful too.

No wonder I chose a photo of this combination for my webpage.


Monday, November 9, 2009

Too soft hearted

This morning when I was photographing my troughs (not bad looking for mid November!) I noticed a recurring theme. Volunteers.

Volunteer plants are seedlings that pop up in your garden, whether you planted them or not.

In this pot you can see the volunteer Digitalis (Fox Glove) seedlings at the back. You can bet I didn't put them there but of course I don't have the heart to pull them. If they are still there come spring I will wiggle them out and give them a new home (maybe to you???).

How's this for volunteering! These Verbascum bombyciferum seedlings have volunteered to totally take over the large concrete planter. I doubt that the Sempervivum 'Oddity' that's planted in there is too happy about this new neighbor but soft hearted as I am, I leave these too until spring.

This trough has been one of my favorites. It won a blue ribbon at our flower show this past June and will soon be moving to a new home. My friend Kim asked me to donate one of my troughs for a wonderful charity called "Hope through Health". So this lovely trough will be on the raffle table this coming Saturday night. I'm so excited for it!

The other day when I showed Kim the trough, I saw these little seedlings growing in it. I think they are Isolepsis seedlings (Fiber-optic grass) and if I get the chance I'm going to wiggle them out and pot them up. Isolepsis isn't always hardy here so I'd bring these babies in and try to overwinter them on my super-crowded windowsill.

Off to rake some leaves and then to work.

Happy Monday! It's my favorite day of the week :-)

Friday, November 6, 2009

On the Road

This morning I'm packing up my gear and heading west. I'm off to Pittsburgh where I will be speaking to a group of collectors. Daylily collectors, Hosta collectors, Iris collectors and Daffodil collectors too.

I wonder if when I'm done there if they will also be Sedum and Succulent collectors :-)

Got my program all set on power point but I do have to admit to being a bit nervous about that. Just not used to relying on my laptop in a public forum. Cross your fingers for me!
