Monday, February 4, 2013

Heat Wave!!!

Here it is, February 4th and what a surprise, it's FREEZING outside!
To be honest, I'm not really complaining, some cold weather is necessary for the plants that are native to this area. Still, the thought of the sun on my shoulders seems like a faded dream so I thought I'd find a photo or two to warm me up.

Although this blog is for perennials, there's nothing like hot Hibiscus to make me think of a Heat Wave. Luckily there are also wonderful hardy perennial Hibiscus too for our gardens here on Long Island.

Coleus, not an annual, just very tender. You can keep a Coleus plant growing for years indoors but I just keep buying new ones for the garden instead.

Ah ha, here's two perennials that thrive in hot dry sun. Monarda and Agastache, why if I close my eyes  I can almost smell their heavenly scent too.

Finally a shot of something that could cause a heat wave on your tongue, some peppers! I believe these are ornamental, not for eating but still, even my mouth is warm now :-)

Just thought I'd drop a simple post today... got a great idea for next week for my other blog at Melanie's' Old Country Gardens. 

Till then, stay warm...