Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Rainy Day Garden Tours

Today was a tough day to be a gardener. I'm in the middle of a 3 months shift at work that has me covering Saturdays. In exchange I get a day off during the week and I've promised myself to spend the day as a gardener. Drizzle, fog, rain and temperatures in the high 40's were a challenge but I refused to back down. First stop was SUNY Farmingdale, they were having a plant sale and my daylily friends would be there. This place is just magical to me.

The large kitchen gardens are still waiting for most of it's plant material to arrive but there were still lots of things to see like this cracked but still beautiful trough.

Tucked into a wooded walk was a cheerful spring planting combination.

So much blue, I just love it!

The white trees were perfect with the underplanting of blue. The challenge was taking good photographs as I was protecting my camera from the weather and my fingers were numb.

A large planting of Allium reminded me that before their spectacular blooms the foliage already poops out and gets quite ratty.

A nice little woodland walk

This spot was perfect, I could have taken a dozen photos here.

Pulmonaria in all it's glory! This is a plant I need to get for our cottage garden.

Well one thing for sure, when it rains the Alchimella molls (Ladie's mantle) is going to show off!

Next stop was Peconic River Herb Farm all the way out in Calverton. The rain was more steady here and my poor fingers really froze but I still took my time and checked out every corner of this heavenly place.

I don't think it's possible to take a bad photo of this potting shed.

Early spring bloomers were competing for attention. Epimedium, Dicentra and May Apples, oh my!

The grounds were empty, only a half dozen employees busily filling every nook and cranny with new plants for Mother's Day coming this Sunday. 

How do you like this window box? I just adore it.

One more close up look. So yes, I'm back, I've got a darling cottage garden and I'm going to write all about it. Today's post was driven by all the photos I shot today but no worries, I'll be sharing all kinds of information on perennials that do well here for me.