Yes, it must be the weekend because it's Plant Sale Time! Today was one of those wet and drizzly days that is so perfect to dig and divide perennials. My goal was to pot up 100 pots but I think I fell short of that number (not by much). I haven't taken an inventory lately but must have over 400 pots right now.
We've got pots of the pale pink Stachys monierri (just try to find this for sale, I only see the purple one at local garden centers) and the hot pink annual Silene armeria that self seeds around the garden to return year after year.
Sedums are a passion of mine, many are here on display and others have been potted up for sale. This photo shows 'Sedum' Matrona' which is one of my favorites.
Of course with over 400 daylilies, you'll find lots to choose from like this lovely 'Regency Masquerade with it's luscious purple eye.
The palest orchid pink (lighter than this photo shows) with a lovely green throat is 'Prague Spring'. It's blooms like the energizer bunny is running the show.
Phlox are potted up too. Remember, we do not sell plants that have been grown in another weather zone or in greenhouses. Our plants have not been forced to bloom so if something is in flower now, then it normally flowers now.
Most of the perennials are not in flower yet and they won't be in flower here in the pot. Wouldn't you rather have them flower for you in your garden than at the nursery?
Hope to see you tomorrow, we'll be open 10:00 to 4:00. If you can't make it this weekend, don't worry, we'll be open three days in a row on Mother's Day weekend.
One last note, we love to give back to the community so 10% of the gross sales are donated to a club at our local high school. Stay tuned and we'll let you know the club of choice this month.
Off to rest up for tomorrow,
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