Saturday, July 18, 2009

Final Days

Today is one of our final sale days of the season. Temperatures are just getting too warm for gardening. We've still got lots of daylilies in pots, many are in bloom.

The garden is in the middle of a color explosion, there are so many things in bloom that I couldn't begin to list them all. Very few shade plants are blooming so I'm really enjoying this 'Red Volunteer' daylily planted as a single specimen in the Hosta bed.

Out front there are many varieites of cone flowers, balloon flowers, Monarda, Phlox, and so much more. The Sedums that weren't pinched back are putting out buds, the butterfly bushes have the largest bloom tresses ever!

We'll be open for buisiness today but please park in the street as we have a dumpster in the driveway. Next Sunday (July 26th) we'll be setting things out by the curb for a massive garage sale. It will be our last sale day until late August or early September when we start some serious gardening workshops here.

Stop by and say "Hi"!



  1. Melanie
    Your gardens were beautiful today! My sister and I were thrilled to be able to see it in full bloom.
    What was the name of the stuff you recommended to her for deer resistence?

  2. Hi Bonnie, It was so nice to have visitors today, I love sharing my garden at peak bloom season! The stuff your sister should try is called "milorganite". It's a fertilizer that can be spread in the garden any time. It stinks when it's wet so beware :-) but that stink keeps the deer away.

    See you soon!

  3. I wish you lived closer to me because I would love to come visit. I recently learned that daylilies are edible -- and delicious. Have you tried eating any of yours?

  4. Hi Heather, Yes, I have eaten plenty of my daylilies. The yellow ones taste better than the reds or purples, kind of like iceberg lettuce. They are beautiful in a salad, or stuffed with shrimp salad (egg salad, chicken salad...). One word of warning, only eat one a day, two a day act like exlax for me...better than bran ;-)


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