This past Monday I had the pleasure of hosting garden writers Felder Rushing and Darrell Trout in my garden. While I have met Darrell a number of times in the past, I knew little about Felder so made sure I checked out his website before the visit.
Seeing that Felder was into garden "junque", I made sure my "junque" was in tip top shape. The golf bag that is always out on my front lawn quickly got a companion although I do think I need to dress her in something more appropriate than my old nightgown.
The garden was just past peak bloom but close enough that it made little difference. This is what one of the front borders looked like.
Quite a few daylilies were still strutting their stuff. My garden is mostly filled with spider daylilies or ones with unusual forms like this 'Murphy's Law'. I find that they compliment the garden as a whole while the round ruffled tetraploid daylilies seem too stiff and formal for my country style of gardening.
The Helenium 'Mardi Gras' was just beginning to bloom. I look forward to two months of glorious color from this fantastic perennial.
The Stokesia (Stokes asters) are also at their peak and multiple photos were taken of them. I missed out on this shot, the lighting wasn't right.
Still, the tour was glorious. At the end we sat in my garden swing and talked about gardening on a whole. We were surrounded with waving blooms, daylilies, Lysimachia clethroides (gooseneck loosestrife), Mondarda (bee balm), Echinacea (cone flowers) and more. It was heavenly!
I'm going to cut this short right now since the clouds are thick and I want to run out and take some photographs this morning.
Melanie Happy Hour tomorrow is cancelled due to weather forecast. I'll let you know if I decide to reschedule. Please respond so I know you've received this Thanks Bonnie
I do so love to read your comments! Much as I wish I also had time to reply, many times I will have to choose between replying to comments or creating a new post so please understand if I choose to use my time on a new post. This will also give me time to visit some of you too.
ReplyDeleteHappy Hour tomorrow is cancelled due to weather forecast. I'll let you know if I decide to reschedule. Please respond so I know you've received this
Hi Bonnie, ok, I understand about the weather. Looking forward to a future happy hour :-)