Sunday, April 11, 2010

Kim's Garden

The other day I met some gardening friends for a workshop at my friend Kim's home in Huntington Bay. The weather was perfect and of course, so was Kim's garden.

I was torn between working on making the hypertufa troughs (read more about it on my Old Country Garden blog) and taking photos of the most wonderful spring display of blooms.

Little vignette's were all over the place, this one was my favorite!

Kim's mother Joan has a garden on one side of the house. Joan was always such a talented gardener that it was no surprise to me to see how lovely her newest creation has taken off. Even with health issues Joan has done a great job here.

Looking down closely you can see how lovely the Lysimachia nummularia 'Aurea' looks as it wends it's way around the stepping stones. This side garden is so stunning that it deserves it's own post in the future.

One last shot, a close up of the weeping Cherry tree. Isn't it breathtaking?

I thought I'd finish up today's post with some good news...I'm taking a hiatus from working retail, need to deal with some health issues but I will also be able to spend more time in the garden. So stay tuned, Melanie's Perennials will be open for business soon, maybe this coming Saturday, April 17th!

Can't wait to see all of you again,

1 comment:

  1. It's great to garden again! Love the cherry tree, there is one in my father's garden,
    Nice to hear from you again,


I do so love to read your comments! Much as I wish I also had time to reply, many times I will have to choose between replying to comments or creating a new post so please understand if I choose to use my time on a new post. This will also give me time to visit some of you too.