Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Random Thoughts & Photos

This morning is perfect for taking photos in the garden. It's damp and overcast outside so no shadows thrown by early morning sun.

Here's some photos I took today with the thoughts that ran through my head as I took them:

I'll begin with my favorite gnome, Claus who seems quite happy to be resting under a clump of Symphytum.

The Cotoneaster in my front bed is doing so well. I love how it softens the edge of the walkway although I have to remember every now and then to cut back the longer branches. I really have to get after those perennial seedlings that pop up from underneath.

Heuchera 'Caramel' once again doing it's magic. Need to get those Digitalis (fox gloves) out of there before they hide everything.

I just love the blooms and seed pods on Lunaria (honesty plant or money plant). I just wish it didn't always seed itself in the front of the border and hide everything behind it...kind of like the Digitalis in the photo up above.

Zizia aurea, given to me by a friend who said it seeds around in her garden. I've had it here for three years and although the plant itself looks happy, I have yet to find a seedling...boohoo...

Couldn't get the colors right on this one so you'll have to add a bit of imagination to it. Wonderful golden hosta with the most amazing blue Ajuga bloom coming right up in the middle of it. Can't get much better than that!

Pulmonaria 'Little Star' has my favorite foliage of any of the Pulmonarias. The white spots are just enough.

Corydalis and Iris cristata really are the perfect companions. I only wish the Alium foliage didn't turn to crap before the blooms even emerge. Maybe I'll go out and cut the foliage back.

This morning I'm going to try to do a little digging. Mom might be doing the work while I play supervisor. Can't do much yet due to some complications from my surgery but I'm trying! We'll be open for business this Friday 11-4 and Saturday 10-4. Hope to see some of you then.


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