These photos were taken three years ago...not in some island resort, just a few miles away from here at Sunken Meadow State Park here on Long Island. They were taken at the end of September so the birds that were in these photos should be at the same stage now.
Tomorrow morning I am meeting a friend for my first spin class, I'm working on the "goodbye butt"...don't's a girl thing :-)
Anyway, after the class I hope to get to stop at the park and take a few shots.
I do hope the cormorants will be there, I've revisited this spot several times during other seasons but have never seen them there again. Perhaps they are migrating?
If nothing else, I will enjoy the quiet time, back to nature, a place I've missed in the past few hectic weeks.
Even if the birds aren't there it should be stunning, don't you think so?
Yesterday I was extremely lucky to come home and notice quite a few Monarch Butterflies flitting about my Buddleias (butterfly bushes). I ran inside and grabbed my camera to try to take a few shots.
When I first came up to the bush, the butterflies flew away but almost instantly they got used to my standing there and as long as I moved slowly, I was able to photograph them.
One butterfly caught my eye right away. The interior section of the pattern on it's wings was a blur. I just couldn't get my eyes to focus on this spot. How cool is that?
Even in this shot where you can clearly see the antennae, you can't get a clear image of the spot where the body meets the wings.
I do so love taking photos of butterflies. They are just so ethereal and graceful.
Today is nicely overcast so I will head out there and try for more photos.
Walk around your garden today and look at your hosta. It's amazing how different they look in the fall. Half of mine are ratty, covered with holes, ripped foliage and ready to be put down for the winter.
Looking carefully though there are still a few stellar performers in the garden. I believe this variety is 'Fresh', certainly well named! Obviously 'Fresh' is not only slug proof but it's not one that burns up in the late summer. I'll also add that 'Fresh' is in a part of the garden that has dry, root bound, crappy soil.
I know it's hard to find motivation to take ugly photos but maybe it would be a good idea to go around the garden now and document the good, the bad and the downright ugly.
I'll be out there looking closely as I divide Hosta and Daylilies today. It will also be the last day I'm officially open for sales. Next Saturday is homecoming at Walt Whitman High School so I'll be busy walking in the parade.
If you have a Hosta that looks good in your garden right now, let me know the variety!
There's a plant in my shade bed that is just coming into full bloom. Earlier in the year I wrote a post about it, I don't know what it is (nor can I find the post but it's starting out as one of those days...).
My guess has always been that this plant is part of the Cimicifuga family which has for some reason be renamed as the Actea family.
It seeds around nicely and the seedlings don't seem to mind being transplanted. (I've still got more to share.)
Here you can see the whole plant. Although I tried a number of times, my camera just doesn't want to focus on the white blooms. The leaves aren't as finely cut as the Cimicifugas I see online or for sale. As a mature plant it gets quite large. A nice bonus is that the leaves don't seem to be affected by the slugs that have been ravishing this part of the garden.
There is a Cimicifuga named 'White Pearl'. I know that this plant is not that specific hybrid because these are all seedlings but it sure looks quite a bit like a strand of white pearls.
Out in front of my house I have Cimicifuga 'James Compton' which I bought last year. It caught my attention because of it's dark, almost purple foliage. As you can see here, the bloom is very similar but the buds are dark purple.
If I could bring this to you in smell-a-vision you would just swoon because the scent is heavenly! I never would have expected this simple flower to have such a strong smell and at first I looked around to see what else was blooming. As an afterthough, I think I'll cut a bloom and bring it inside to see how long the perfume lasts.
Here you can see the foliage of 'James Compton' when I bought it. So far I can't say the foliage has done much in the garden, I couldn't get a single decent shot of it yesterday and will try again today. As with most purple foliage plants, it's lost it's coloration this late in the season and now just appears to be dark green with hints of purple (squint hard and you might see it).
If you decide to plant this in your garden I would suggest buying 3 or 5 and planting them as a group unless you are a very patient gardener.
In truth I did have a second photo showing this foliage but there wasn't the adorable face peeping out from behind. Calie-the-wonderdoodle had to sneak her way into my photo shoot that day. It was a pretty amazing feat for this big lumbering 70 pound dog to slip into that corner and appear so innocent.
This afternoon I'll be lecturing in Douglaston to the Douglaston Garden Club. I just love lecture days!!! The program they booked is "Garden Junque" and it's one of my all time favorite programs. It's just such a fun program because it's chock full of all kinds of things people use to accent their gardens such as the blue bowling ball in this photo.
I have a huge collection of slides and digital images showing various garden accents. This potted man was the inspiration that had me make my own potted lady (she's a little sad right now and understandably camera shy).
As I posted on my other blog, there are lots of great ideas for garden seating areas, furniture, walkways and more. This program makes me itch to go on another garden tour. Most of my photos have come from convention garden tours, I haven't been on one in three years now. Maybe next year I'll be able to fit a few into my schedule.
What a great weekend for gardening. Even though yesterday was a wet, drizzly day, I spent hours outside weeding the front garden. It was perfect conditions to take out perennial seedlings and pot them up. How cool is this double Platycodon seedling?
I have a small double Platycodon plant in the same area, it never grew as vigorously as the single variety but it has returned reliably for at least 5 years now. This seedling was found a few feet away.
Platycodon are hard to transplant or divide because of their tap root. A tap root is a long single carrot-like root. When dividing Platycodon, I get my long perennial shovel and make sure I dig very deep before trying to pry the plant out of the ground.
The hardy Begonias are still blooming like mad. Not too many seed pods yet, they are even prettier than the blooms! I potted up a few of them, they don't seem to mind being moved at all so I will try to get a few more out of the ground in the next day or two.
Besides these beauties I've been potting up a few Corydalis and Digitalis (fox gloves). This coming Saturday will be my last hoorah. A big plant sale day and then it's time to close for the season. On Friday I will be digging and dividing Hosta like crazy. Stop by in the afternoon if you want to see how it's done.
Yesterday, after finishing a horticulture course (you can read more about it at my Old Country Gardens blog) a few fellow club members and I headed over to Eisenhower Park. We decided to visit the trial gardens that are planted there outside the Cornell Cooperative Extension office.
Most people don't realize there is a vast difference between a "trial" garden and a "display" garden. In a trial garden you will often find new plant material or even unregistered (unnamed) seedlings of plants. There are also often rules that state the plant material cannot be given special attention (such as extra fertilizers or pinching or staking).
Trial gardens are often unattractive, plants are planted in rows, right next to something that does not combine well. But, a trial garden is well worth your time to visit because it is a learning tool.
The Celosia 'Fresh Look Gold' in the top photo was the best looking plant in the All America Selections trial area.
This fall blooming Allium was in the herb garden but I did not see a cultivar name.
The best garden by far (in my opinion) was the butterfly garden. It was incredibly full and lush. My only regret was that I could not find labels with plant names. That's not to say there weren't labels there, it's totally possibly that at the base of the plants there were small labels but none were visible to the eye and with the multitude of pollinating insects that were on these plants, I had no intention of disturbing anything.
This soft orange Agastache (hyssop) had the most delicious scented foliage. Kim and I really liked the color too, especially against the lavender blues that were in the garden. I'm pretty sure I've seen this plant for sale around here under the name 'Apricot Sprite'. It's not a perennial Agastache in our zone.
Here's one landscape shot of the butterfly garden. The tall lavender Verbena bonariensis was just all over the place, waving in and out with the strong gusts of wind. The wind was actually making it quite difficult to get clear photos.
Another landscape shot, this one has a nice Sedum in the foreground. If you've been reading my blogs for any amount of time you know I love Sedum. This time of year they really put on a show and who could complain about something this lovely that blooms in September?
I couldn't help trying to get a close up of the orange bloom that had snuck it's way into a sea of Rudbeckia.
Asclepias tuberosa (Butterfly weed) has finished blooming and now it's incredible seed pods are popping open. There's three or four Asclepias growing here in my garden but for some reason I have no seed pods this year. I do think it's because there were lots of insects munching on the plants but hey, that's why I grow them!
Isn't it cool how this single fluffy seed pod was caught up on a Verbena bloom? It made me want to take a handful of seeds, blow them into the air and make a wish.
Whoa, just heard a big rumble of thunder and it's starting to pour. Yesterday when I came home I found my entire patio table in my swimming pool. It still had the 9' umbrella with cast iron base attached. The umbrella spokes were shattered and one spoke had punctured one of my new lounge chairs. What a bummer...and what a hard time I had getting it out of the pool without getting into that freezing cold water myself!
I'm feeling a cleaning frenzy come upon me. Rare as these are, I'd better take advantage of it while the mood strikes me. Hope I can remember where my vacuum cleaner is......
Today was a bit bright for photos but I keep pushing myself to collect more late summer/early fall images. Once the fall really comes upon us it's easy to be inspired to shoot those amazing colors but is always seems that this time of year I tend to neglect my photography.
This is the standard view up one side of my driveway bed. I meant to take the photo from the second floor window for more depth. Hopefully I will remember to do so tomorrow.
I really like this combination of the bright yellow Helianthus 'Lemon Queen' and the variegated Cornus alba 'Ivory Halo (variegated dogwood shrub).
I've shown photos earlier of the hardy begonias in my garden. This one spot has a white variety that I bought many years ago. Unfortunately it is not at all as vigorous as the pink variety and all I have is this little piece. I will have to watch carefully that the Sedums don't bulk up too much and crowd it out.
Here's a nice little corner. Lots of pretty foliage, Sedum 'Frosty Morn' is just about to come in to bloom and the amazing chartreuse Liriope "Pee dee gold" is also just sending up it's simple flowers. If you ever see this Liriope for sale, grab it! I've only seen it once and never have I seen it in any other garden other than mine.
Just so you can see how lovely this Liriope is, I zoomed in a bit closer. Here you can see it paired with Ajuga 'Burgandy Glow', one of my most favorite planned combinations this year.
Bzzzzz, this is a two part post. First of all, there are bees all over the garden! This is good news to me (and to all the rest of you too). Tonight I could have counted over 100 bees in just a few minutes by visiting some of the Sedum blooms.
Now here's a question. I'm quite familiar with the big fat bumble bee, is the smaller (less fuzzy) bee here a honey bee?
Another plant that has been a total bee magnet is Agastache (anise hyssop). There's actually two varieties in my front border. This one is 'Black Adder'. It has a darker bloom and the most delicious peppermint scented foliage you could imagine.
What's most interesting is how very long these Agastache bloom. I took this photo on July 11th.
This photo was taken on July 30th. This is a clump of Agastache 'Blue Fortune' which has been more floriforous in my garden but the foliage isn't as scented as the 'Black Adder'.
Here's another view point, looking up the garden bed. I planted these hyssops last year, for some reason I don't think they are long lived. I have been reading that they self seed and I do hope that it the case. If not, I will be buying them again and again because I really do love them.
Here's 'Blue Fortune again'. What's the difference? I took this photo today, September 3rd. Now that's what I call "bloomability'. Best of all, not one single stalk on either of these plants has flopped.
Still weeding like a lunatic out there, starting to finally see some results. I will be open for business on Saturday so tomorrow I will really be going insane. Hope my hands hold out! They are pinched, sore, cracked, dirty and now I've got mosquito bites to take my mind off my wasp sting. Don't-cha just love this gardening? I do!!!
Would it surprise you if I told you I don't know that much about annuals? Well, the truth is I probably know more than any non gardener but I don't know nearly as much about them as I do about perennials.
This photo was taken on Sunday, it's a sidewalk in Cold Spring Harbor, New York. Anybody who has read my old posts would know that I loathe white vinyl stockade fence but give me a white picket fence and I'm in heaven.
The good news is these are fairly simple annuals for me to identify. There's impatiens, vinca and on the far right is the lovely Persian shield (with the horrendous botanical name of Strobilanthes dyerianus).
Oh no, I'm having a total senior moment. I know the name of this annual, I knew it when I took the picture, I knew it when I put it in my computer and now of course I can't for the life of me remember it. Any clues???
Here's a view taken closer to ground level. Isn't it a lovely color combination?
Finally, a close up of the Strobilanthes. I've never grown Persian shield in any of my planters but I'm totally sold on it now and will have to remember to get some next year.
For the past three days I've been a weeding fiend, filling huge barrel loads of weeds and hauling them off to the woods. This morning I was stung by a wasp, it was the first sting of the season (I never wear perfume specifically for this reason). Phooey, it itches like crazy right now.
While not currently in the plant sale business, I dream big so don't give up hope. Who knows just how soon Melanie's Perennials will be back in full swing!
Lecture time
Looking for a great garden lecturer?
For the past fifteen years I've been lecturing throughout the United States and Canada on various garden topics. Programs highlighting perennials, garden design, foliage plants, fun "junque" in the garden and more.
My fee is quite reasonable, $150 for a local lecture (on Long Island), $200 plus travel expenses for lectures off the island. If your club is within a 3 or 4 hour drive I'd be more than happy to come and speak.
Not only do garden clubs bring in garden lecturers, elementary schools, senior citizen centers, libraries, civic associations and other groups are ever mindful of bring "green" topics to their members.
Considering a fund raiser such as bulb sales for your PTA? Why not kick off the event with a lecture so the parents understand which plants will do best in their gardens? Happy customers equal return customers.
To contact me, just drop me an e-mail at and I'll get back to you ASAP!
This blog is dedicated to the Long Island Gardener. That doesn't mean that the information herein doesn't apply to many other locations. For a more broad view on gardening, please visit our general gardening blog at or just click on the watering can.
Pass Along Plants too!
Many gardeners and nurseries pooh-pooh the pass along plant with no name. Not here at Old Country Gardens. If I like it, I grow it, even if the name was lost many years ago. This beautiful Chrysanthemum was given to me by a friend many years go. It returns and blooms reliably. Who could ask for more?