Later on I noticed that a few leaves of the Hosta 'Spritzer' next to the columbine were pushed over.
This evening as I was doing clean-up I walked by and noticed that the Dicentra spectabilis Alba (white bleeding heart) just behind these two plants looked "funny". I stepped into the bed to inspect and it looks like somebody (more likely someTHING) had a good romp through my garden. The center stalks of my prime bleeding heart were broken off.
The first thought that came to mind was "can this plant be saved"?
Being ever the optimist (gardeners are always optimists!) I cut off the tops of the broken stalks.
Right now they are potted up in my premium potting soil and taking a nice long soak. I've got my fingers crossed in hopes that they put out new roots and grow.
Before typing this post I went into my blogger account here and changed some settings. Hopefully now it will be possible for many of you to post comments. There was a safety catch that only allowed members to comment but I've switched it to allow annonymous comments (but will still moniter them to filter any spam).
Try to drop me a line so I can see if it works.
Wishing for a bit more heat and sun but I know the garden is loving these cool damp days.
Hi Melanie, the bleeding hearts should come back well..even the mushy stems that look gone survive for me. Was that someTHING your! Glad you found those old perennial photos to share :)